Switching block (BSI 1) is the main one in the system of electrical equipment with multiplex communication. The unit includes a mechanical interface, an electronic board based on microcontrollers and a logical interface that perform the following functions:
- switching between different multiplex circuits;
- switching between circuits formed by wires and multiplex circuits;
- diagnostics;
- receiving information from sensors;
- distribution and protection of power to the elements connected to the BSI 1 block;
- management of multiplex communication dialogue protocols.
Logical interface
The software interface initiates BSI 1 start-up, controls the microcontroller that acts as an intelligent switching unit, and allows remote software download (drivers), designed to implement various functions of the CAN DIAGNOSTIC network:
- control of the relay of screen wipers, washers;
- turn signal time delays;
- various lighting devices;
- exchange of information with various networks Can, can confort, Can car, CAN COMMUTE (switchable).