1. Apply the handbrake and jack up and support the front of the car.
2. Place a suitable container under the motor. Unscrew the drain plug and allow the oil to drain from the sump.
3. Wipe the drain plug clean, reinstall and tighten.
4. Note the position of the pallet bolts (see d/fig. 1.17) and turn them out.
5. Remove pan with gasket (see photo). Pallet most likely "welded on" to the block, so you have to detach it with a thin knife.
6. Clean the rest of the gasket from the pallet and block and wipe the contact surfaces dry.
7. Apply a little sealant to the joints between the front oil seal housing and the block (on both sides)
8. Place a new gasket on the pallet, install the pallet in place and insert the bolts in their original places.
9. Tighten the bolts evenly to the correct torque.
10. Lower the machine to the ground and fill the engine with oil.