Selector cable
1. Raise the front of the car and secure it on stands. Set selector lever to position "P".
2. To improve access, remove the battery, battery stand and unit hanger.
3. Remove center console.
4. Disconnect the cable from the selector lever and the machine suspension.
5. On the gearbox, unscrew the two screws securing the cable sheath to the bracket and remove the cable ball joint from the selector lever. Do not move the selector lever with the cable removed.
6. Disconnect the selector cable from the mounting brackets.
7. Remove the rubber sealing ring from the bulkhead and remove the selector cable into the engine compartment.
Selector drive adjustment
1 - cable end, 2 - ball joint of the selector lever, 3 - locknuts for adjusting the cable sheath
Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal, after which it is necessary to adjust the selector cable.