1. Remove the steering column.
2. Raise the front of the car and secure it on stands.
3. Apply alignment marks to the intermediate shaft and steering gear. Unscrew the clamping nut and the intermediate shaft mounting bolt. When installing, use a new nut.
4. Remove the 3 nuts securing the intermediate shaft cover to the bulkhead of the engine compartment.
5. From the inside of the vehicle, slide the protective cover off the intermediate shaft and remove the intermediate shaft from the steering gear.
Check the intermediate shaft for wear and damage. If there is damage to the rubber protective cover, it must be replaced.
1. Align the marks made before removing the intermediate shaft and slide the intermediate shaft onto the steering gear.
2. Install the rubber protective cover over the intermediate shaft to the bulkhead of the engine compartment.
3. From under the car, install the intermediate shaft clamping bolt and secure it with a new nut, tightening it to the required torque.
4. Install and tighten the nuts securing the protective cover.
5. Install the steering column.