1. Disconnect the lambda probe connectors.
2. Turn away nuts of fastening of a flange of a reception pipe to a final collector and disconnect a pipe, having removed a lining. On some models, the downpipe is bolted on.
3. Disconnect all other details of system, being guided by the corresponding illustration.
Removal of the entire exhaust system
4. Disconnect a reception pipe from a final collector.
5. Release the entire system from the rubber mounting pads and remove it. To perform this operation, you will need an assistant who must support the pipes so that they do not fall after being released from the pillows.
6. Examine details of a suspension bracket of system of release OG. When installing the pipes of the exhaust system in place, the suspension must not stand with tension, because after a while it will break. The exhaust system must be mounted on a suspension with a shock-absorbing effect.
7. Clean the connecting flanges. Use sandpaper if necessary.
8. Replace all seals with new ones.
9. Check up rubber pillows of a suspension bracket of system OG and replace them in case of need.
10. Lubricate the mating surfaces with heat resistant grease.
11. Tighten the clamp bolts to 15 Nm (see illustration).
2.11 Tighten the clamp bolts. Clamps should be tightened evenly. The distance between the connected halves of the clamps after tightening the bolts must be the same on both sides.
Clamps should be tightened evenly. The distance between the connected halves of the clamps after tightening the bolts must be the same on both sides.
12 Connect the downpipe to the exhaust manifold and tighten the mounting nuts. The tightening torque of the nuts is 35 Nm.
13 Make sure that the exhaust system is mounted on the suspension so that no part of the system hits other parts of the vehicle, but at the same time the suspension provides the desired level of shock absorption of the system when driving.