Note. On 1A l engine models with the Sagem S2000 system and all 1.6 p engine models, the stepper motor is an integral part of the throttle body and cannot be removed.
37. The idle speed control stepper motor is attached to the rear of the throttle body.
38. Disconnect the ground wire from the battery (see «Disconnecting the battery»), and then disconnect the motor electrical connector (pic. 13.38).
Pic. 13.38. Disconnect the idle speed stepper motor electrical connector (marked with an arrow)
39. Remove the screws and then remove the motor from the throttle body (pic. 13.39). If necessary, remove the throttle potentiometer for easier access to the lower motor screw.
Pic. 13.39. Then remove the screws (marked with arrows) and remove the motor from the throttle body (models with 1.4 l engine)
40. Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal. Make sure the seal is in good condition.