1. The overhaul of a manual transmission is a difficult job and very difficult to do on your own. In addition to the need to disassemble the unit with the removal of many small parts and reassemble, you will need to accurately measure the gaps and, if necessary, adjust them by selecting shims and spacers. In addition, gearbox internals are often very difficult to obtain and, in many cases, extremely expensive. Therefore, if the transmission develops a malfunction or starts to make noise, the best course of action for you is to take the unit in need of overhaul to a specialist or exchange it for a remanufactured one.
2. But for a more experienced mechanic, repairing a gearbox is no longer so difficult, especially with special tools. Work should be thoughtful and gradual, so that nothing is missed.
3. Tools required for overhaul include inner and outer circlip pliers, bearing pullers, impact puller, fine tip drift set, dial indicator, and if possible a hydraulic press. In addition, you will need a massive workbench and a vise.
4. When disassembling, make notes for yourself how each element is installed. This will simplify the assembly and make it more accurate.
5. Before disassembly, it would be a good idea to think about which particular area of the box is malfunctioning. Some issues may be zone specific. This will make it easier to inspect and replace the element. For more information, please refer to «Troubleshooting».